Creation Story

Welcome to my corner of the crafting world! I'm passionate about sewing, and , like many of you, I've faced frustrating obstacles that have hindered my creative flow. For years, my chronic neck pain limited my sewing sessions to a mere 30 minutes at a time. Imagine the dismay of spending precious time trying to determine what needle I left in any given machine. I would have to take out the needle, determine the color rings at the top, find the cooresponding needle manufacturer’s color chart (if I remembered the manufacture) and then reinsert the needle if it was the proper one. Sometimes I dropped the needle into the throat plate which was never fun.

Frustration turned into inspiration one night when I had a lightbulb moment. What if there was a simple solution to this needle dilemma? Thus, the Needle Noter™️ was born.

It all began sixty years ago. I found my love of sewing in seventh grade with Mrs. Lackey when I learned to make an A-line skirt. I went on to take six years of Home Ec. during my time in public school. By twelfth grade, with Mrs. Patterson, I was sewing more sophisticated patterns such as bathing suits, two-piece suits, shirts & pants.

I carried my original Kenmore 10 (from the early 70’s!) to every college dorm room and apartment from there on out. After I got married, I made my curtains and my baby clothes when I found the time (because I also worked in healthcare, education, and owned my own grant-writing business).

Once I retired, I made the time to fully enjoy my creative sewing expression. I slowly purchased new machines (serger, embroidery, and coverstitch) which expanded my opportunities and sewing knowledge.

This is why I created the Needle Noter, to help myself and others continue to enjoy their passion.

About Me